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Hoffwn – I would like (S)

There are two ways of saying would like in Welsh, using hoffwn (south) and leiciwn (north). It’s best to be aware of both, and let local usage dictate which one you use.

Do not use yn, and following verbnouns such as mynd, to go, will take soft mutation in the affirmative and interrogative, but do not mutate after dim. Hoffwn is sometimes used with the affirmative particle fe which causes soft mutation.


I would likehoffwn ife hoffwn ihoffwn i fynd
you would likehoffet tife hoffet tihoffet ti fynd
he would likehoffai fefe hoffai fehoffai fe fynd
she would likehoffai hife hoffai hihoffai hi fynd
Carys would likehoffai Carysfe hoffai Caryshoffai Carys fynd
the girls would likehoffai’r merchedfe hoffai’r merchedhoffai’r merched fynd
we would likehoffen nife hoffen nihoffen ni fynd
you would likehoffech chife hoffech chihoffech chi fynd
they would likehoffen nhwfe hoffen nhwhoffen nhw fynd


would I like?hoffwn i?hoffwn i fynd?
would you like?hoffet ti?hoffet ti fynd?
would he like?hoffai fe?hoffai fe fynd?
would she like?hoffai hi?hoffai hi fynd?
would Carys like?hoffai Carys?hoffai Carys fynd?
would the girls like?hoffai’r merched?hoffai’r merched fynd?
would we like?hoffen ni?hoffen ni fynd?
would you like?hoffech chi?hoffech chi fynd?
would they like?hoffen nhw?hoffen nhw fynd?


I would not likehoffwn i ddimhoffwn i ddim mynd
you would not likehoffet ti ddimhoffet ti ddim mynd
he would not likehoffai fe ddimhoffai fe ddim mynd
she would not likehoffai hi ddimhoffai hi ddim mynd
Carys would not likehoffai Carys ddimhoffai Carys ddim mynd
the girls would not likehoffai’r merched ddimhoffai’r merched ddim mynd
we would not likehoffen ni ddimhoffen ni ddim mynd
you would not likehoffech chi ddimhoffech chi ddim mynd
they would not likehoffen nhw ddimhoffen nhw ddim mynd
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