Dylwn … fod wedi – I should have, I ought to have (S)
There are two ways of saying should have or ought to have (which are treated as conceptually the same) in Welsh, using dylwn … fod wedi (south) and dylswn … fod wedi (north). It’s best to be aware of both, and let local usage dictate which one you use.
Use wedi, not yn. Verbnouns such as codi, to get up, and the negative particle dim do not take soft mutation after wedi. Dylwn is sometimes used with the affirmative particle fe which causes soft mutation.
I should have, I ought to have
dylwn i fod wedi
fe ddylwn i fod wedi
dylwn i fod wedi codi
you should have, you ought to have
dylet ti fod wedi
fe ddylet ti fod wedi
dylet ti fod wedi codi
he should have, he ought to have
dylai fe fod wedi
fe ddylai fe fod wedi
dylai fe fod wedi codi
she should have, she ought to have
dylai hi fod wedi
fe ddylai hi fod wedi
dylai hi fod wedi codi
Carys should have, Carys ought to have
dylai Carys fod wedi
fe ddylai Carys fod wedi
dylai Carys fod wedi codi
the girls should have, the girls ought to have
dylai’r merched fod wedi
fe ddylai’r merched fod wedi
dylai’r merched fod wedi codi
we should have, we ought to have
dylen ni fod wedi
fe ddylen ni fod wedi
dylen ni fod wedi codi
you should have, you ought to have
dylech chi fod wedi
fe ddylech chi fod wedi
dylech chi fod wedi codi
they should have, they ought to have
dylen nhw fod wedi
fe ddylen nhw fod wedi
dylen nhw fod wedi codi
should I have? ought I have?
ddylwn i fod wedi?
ddylwn i fod wedi codi?
should you have? ought you have?
ddylet ti fod wedi?
ddylet ti fod wedi codi?
should he have? ought he have?
ddylai fe fod wedi?
ddylai fe fod wedi codi?
should she have? ought she have?
ddylai hi fod wedi?
ddylai hi fod wedi codi?
should Carys have? ought Carys have?
ddylai Carys fod wedi?
ddylai Carys fod wedi codi?
should the girls have? ought the girls have?
ddylai’r merched fod wedi?
ddylai’r merched fod wedi codi?
should we have? ought we have?
ddylen ni fod wedi?
ddylen ni fod wedi codi?
should you have? ought you have?
ddylech chi fod wedi?
ddylech chi fod wedi codi?
should they have? ought they have?
ddylen nhw fod wedi?
ddylen nhw fod wedi codi?
I should not have, I ought not have
ddylwn i ddim bod wedi
ddylwn i ddim bod wedi codi
you should not have, you ought not have
ddylet ti ddim bod wedi
ddylet ti ddim bod wedi codi
he should not have, he ought not have
ddylai fe ddim bod wedi
ddylai fe ddim bod wedi codi
she should not have, she ought not have
ddylai hi ddim bod wedi
ddylai hi ddim bod wedi codi
Carys should not have, Carys ought not have
ddylai Carys ddim bod wedi
ddylai Carys ddim bod wedi codi
the girls should not have, the girls ought not have