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Medrwn – I could (N)

There are two ways of saying can in Welsh, using gallwn (south) and medrwn (north). It’s best to be aware of both, and let local usage dictate which one you use.

Do not use yn, and following verbnouns such as canuto sing, will take soft mutation in the affirmative and interrogative, but do not mutate after dimMedrwn is sometimes used with the affirmative particle mi which causes soft mutation.


I couldmedrwn imi fedrwn imedrwn i ganu
you couldmedret timi fedret timedret ti ganu
he couldmedrai fomi fedrai fomedrai fo ganu
she couldmedrai himi fedrai himedrai hi ganu
Carys couldmedrai Carysmi fedrai Carysmedrai Carys ganu
the girls couldmedrai’r merchedmi fedrai’r merchedmedrai’r merched ganu
we couldmedren nimi fedren nimedren ni ganu
you couldmedrech chimi fedrech chimedrech chi ganu
they couldmedren nhwmi fedren nhwmedren nhw ganu


could I?fedrwn i?fedrwn i ganu?
could you?fedret ti?fedret ti ganu?
could he?fedrai fo?fedrai fo ganu?
could she?fedrai hi?fedrai hi ganu?
could Carys?fedrai Carys?fedrai Carys ganu?
could the girls?fedrai’r merched?fedrai’r merched ganu?
could we?fedren ni?fedren ni ganu?
could you?fedrech chi?fedrech chi ganu?
could they?fedren nhw?fedren nhw ganu?


I could notfedrwn i ddimfedrwn i ddim canu
you could notfedret ti ddimfedret ti ddim canu
he could notfedrai fo ddimfedrai fo ddim canu
she could notfedrai hi ddimfedrai hi ddim canu
Carys could notfedrai Carys ddimfedrai Carys ddim canu
the girls could notfedrai’r merched ddimfedrai’r merched ddim canu
we could notfedren ni ddimfedren ni ddim canu
you could notfedrech chi ddimfedrech chi ddim canu
they could notfedren nhw ddimfedren nhw ddim canu
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