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Gallwn … fod wedi – I could have (S)

There are two ways of saying could have in Welsh, using gallwn (south) and medrwn (north). It’s best to be aware of both, and let local usage dictate which one you use.

Use wedi, not yn. Verbnouns such as cwympo, to fall, and the negative particle dim do not take soft mutation after wedi. Gallwn is sometimes used with the affirmative particle fe which does cause soft mutation.


I could havegallwn i fod wedife allwn i fod wedigallwn i fod wedi cwympo
you could havegallet ti fod wedife allet ti fod wedigallet ti fod wedi cwympo
he could havegallai fe fod wedife allai fe fod wedigallai fe fod wedi cwympo
she could havegallai hi fod wedife allai hi fod wedigallai hi fod wedi cwympo
Carys could havegallai Carys fod wedife allai Carys fod wedigallai Carys fod wedi cwympo
the girls could havegallai’r merched fod wedife allai’r merched fod wedigallai’r merched fod wedi cwympo
we could havegallen ni fod wedife allen ni fod wedigallen ni fod wedi cwympo
you could havegallech chi fod wedife allech chi fod wedigallech chi fod wedi cwympo
they could havegallen nhw fod wedife allen nhw fod wedigallen nhw fod wedi cwympo


could I have?allwn i fod wedi?allwn i fod wedi cwympo?
could you have?allet ti fod wedi?allet ti fod wedi cwympo?
could he have?allai fe fod wedi?allai fe fod wedi cwympo?
could she have?allai hi fod wedi?allai hi fod wedi cwympo?
could Carys have?allai Carys fod wedi?allai Carys fod wedi cwympo?
could the girls have?allai’r merched fod wedi?allai’r merched fod wedi cwympo?
could we have?allen ni fod wedi?allen ni fod wedi cwympo?
could you have?allech chi fod wedi?allech chi fod wedi cwympo?
could they have?allen nhw fod wedi?allen nhw fod wedi cwympo?


I could not haveallwn i ddim bod wediallwn i ddim bod wedi cwympo
you could not haveallet ti ddim bod wediallet ti ddim bod wedi cwympo
he could not haveallai feddim bod wediallai feddim bod wedi cwympo
she could not haveallai hi ddim bod wediallai hi ddim bod wedi cwympo
Carys could not haveallai Carys ddim bod wediallai Carys ddim bod wedi cwympo
the girls could not haveallai’r merched ddim bod wediallai’r merched ddim bod wedi cwympo
we could not haveallen ni ddim bod wediallen ni ddim bod wedi cwympo
you could not haveallech chi ddim bod wediallech chi ddim bod wedi cwympo
they could not haveallen nhw ddim bod wediallen nhw ddim bod wedi cwympo
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