The future perfect tense describes actions that will be completed in the future, eg I will have danced , and uses the same parts of bod , to be , as the future tense, along with the linking word wedi which translates as have .
English Welsh Examples I will have bydda i wedi bydda i wedi dawnsio you will have byddi di wedi byddi di wedi dawnsio he will have bydd e/o wedi bydd o wedi dawnsio she will have bydd hi wedi bydd hi wedi dawnsio Carys will have bydd Carys wedi bydd Carys wedi dawnsio the girls will have bydd y merched wedi bydd y merched wedi dawnsio we will have byddwn ni wedi byddwn ni wedi dawnsio you will have byddwch chi wedi byddwch chi wedi dawnsio they will have byddan nhw wedi byddan nhw wedi dawnsio
English Welsh Examples will I have? fydda i wedi? fydda i wedi dawnsio? will you have? fyddi di wedi? fyddi di wedi dawnsio? will he have? fydd e/o wedi? fydd o wedi dawnsio? will she have? fydd hi wedi? fydd hi wedi dawnsio? will Carys have? fydd Carys wedi? fydd Carys wedi dawnsio? will the girls have? fydd y merched wedi? fydd y merched wedi dawnsio? will we have? fyddwn ni wedi? fyddwn ni wedi dawnsio? will you have? fyddwch chi wedi? fyddwch chi wedi dawnsio? will they have? fyddan nhw wedi? fyddan nhw wedi dawnsio?
English Welsh Examples I will not have fydda i ddim wedi fydda i ddim wedi dawnsio you will not have fyddi di ddim wedi fyddi di ddim wedi dawnsio he will not have fydd e/o ddim wedi fydd o ddim wedi dawnsio she will not have fydd hi ddim wedi fydd hi ddim wedi dawnsio Carys will not have fydd Carys ddim wedi fydd Carys ddim wedi dawnsio the girls will not have fydd y merched ddim wedi fydd y merched ddim wedi dawnsio we will not have fyddwn ni ddim wedi fyddwn ni ddim wedi dawnsio you will not have fyddwch chi ddim wedi fyddwch chi ddim wedi dawnsio they will not have fyddan nhw ddim wedi fyddan nhw ddim wedi dawnsio