existential verb Shows existence of something, same for singular and plural. Can be used with "'na' which causes soft mutation, eg: 'mae "na gaws", "oes 'na gaws?", "does 'na ddim caws". Note the mutation is blocked by 'ddim' in the negative. Na is used the same way for all tenses. Do not use with 'yn'. present "there is cheese" aff (there is/are) mae int (is/are there?) oes? neg (there is/are not) does dim "yes" oes "no" nag oes imperfect (past) "there was cheese" aff (r )oedd int oedd? neg doedd dim "yes" oedd "no" nag oedd future "there will be cheese" aff bydd int fydd? neg fydd dim "yes" bydd "no" na fydd