bod - to be: preterite tense Use with 'yn' to form the preterite, which corresponds to English 'have been...' or 'have been to...'. e.g. Bues i yn yr Eidal - I have been to Italy Fues i yn yr Eidal? - Have I been to Italy? Fues i ddim yn yr Eidal - I haven't been to Italy. afirmative bues/bu+m* i buest ti bu(odd) e bu(odd) hi buon/buom* ni buoch chi buon nhw/buont hwy* interrogative fues/fu+m* i? fuest ti? fu(odd) e? fu(odd) hi? fuon/fuom* ni? fuoch chi? fuon nhw?/fuont hwy* note: in colloquial speech, the interrogative can take two forms: either use the affirmative form and use tone of voice to turn it into a question, or use soft mutation and tone of voice. The soft mutation is because of 'a', the interrogative particle which is usually unheard in speech. negative fues/fu+m* i ddim fuest ti ddim fu(odd) e ddim fu(odd) hi ddim fuon/fuom* ni ddim fuoch chi ddim fuon nhw ddim/fuont hwy ddim* alternative negative ni bu+m (but not ni bues) ni buost ni bu ni bu ni buom ni buoch ni buont note: in some areas you may hear 'ni fu+m', ni fuost, etc. Also note that the final pronoun is often dropped from this form of negative. * more formal forms